Gender Based Violence in Emergencies

Gender Based Violence in Emergencies

Gender-based violence (GBV) is the world’s most widespread but least noticeable human rights abuse. It is characterized as “any violent act that is committed against a person’s will and is based on socially ascribed (i.e. gender) discrepancies between males and females,” according to the Inter-Agency Standing Committee’s Guidelines for Integrating Gender-Based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Action (2015). Acts of physical, sexual, emotional, or economic damage or misery, as well as threats of such acts, coercion, and deprivations of liberty, whether in public or private life, are included. The word is most often used to describe violence caused by power imbalances between men and women, which results in women and girls having less social, economic, and political power than men and boys.

Gender-based violence is a violation of fundamental human rights guaranteed by international human rights agreements, including the right to personal protection, the right to the best possible physical and mental health, the right to be free from torture, and other barbaric, inhuman, or degrading treatment, and the right to life.

Simply because they are female, at least one in every three females – over one billion women worldwide – will experience physical and/or sexual violence throughout their lifetime.

GBV is most commonly perpetrated by men against women and children, and it affects the majority of girls and boys directly or indirectly. Feminicide is at the extreme end of the GBV spectrum.

GBV exists in all humanitarian emergencies; it is not restricted to particular countries, communities, or forms of disaster. Institutions and structures for physical and social security can be disrupted or damaged during a crisis, such as armed war or a natural or man-made disaster. Many people leave, and those who stay do not have the capacity or equipment to operate. Police, legal, health, education, and social services are often interrupted. Families and families are often split up, leading to a further breakdown in mutual support services and safety nets.

GBV has an especially negative impact on people who live in areas impacted by armed conflict, natural disasters, and other humanitarian crises. From the earliest stages of an emergency, all humanitarian actors must take measures to avoid sexual abuse and provide adequate support to survivors/victims. Preventing, preventing, and responding to gender-based violence in emergencies (GBViE) is a life-saving priority and a critical component of humanitarian action. As a result, eliminating GBViE will not only protect the freedom, safety, and well-being of millions of girls and women caught up in violence and in the aftermath, but it will also boost prospects for stability, equality, and progress toward sustainable development.

A minimum collection of actions must be quickly conducted in an organized manner to avoid and respond to gender-based violence from the earliest stages of an emergency to save lives and maximize security. Survivors and victims of GBV need assistance in dealing with the negative effects. They can need medical attention, psychological and social support, safety, and legal assistance. Simultaneously, preventive activities to resolve the causes and contributing factors of GBV in the environment must be implemented. In order to assist the survivor/victim and implement appropriate prevention measures, providers of any of these programs must be competent, professional, and compassionate. As a result, preventing and responding to GBV requires concerted action from a variety of sectors and agencies.

Seasoned organizes bi-monthly trainings on gender-based violence case management with the intention of helping to eradicate all types of gender-based violence. This training aims to examine internationally agreed best practices in coping with gender-based abuse, drawing on the experiences of internationally known organizations such as USAID, Primero, the International Rescue Committee, the International Medical Corps, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, UNFPA, and Unicef, among others. Registration for this training can be completed by filling these forms (Registration and Pre Training Assessment Forms) or sending an email to the Seasoned’ training coordinator by writing to

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Thank You.

Written By; The Training Coordinator,
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About the Author:

Seasoned Development Solutions is an international think tank whose key objective is to help organizations, development partners and government institutions in mainstreaming key sustainable development issues in development processes and programmes. We do this through providing expert advice in the fields of sustainable development, disaster risk management, social protection programming, gender mainstreaming and also through the provision of cutting-edge technology solutions that address the ever-evolving development needs. In addition to this, we also provide industry driven, relevant, tailored training events and programmes in the above-mentioned fields with the sole purpose of bridging knowledge gaps that derail the achievement of sustainable development.